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07/19/20 10:42 AM

#128366 RE: Empirestate123 #128365

You can’t pull up your phone and just scan the store your standing next to for Shopify deals.

Also. You can’t place Augmented Reality dog grooming coupons at the local dog park with Amazon... or EBay... or anything on the planet... other then ARknet.

And how about those travelpins populating! There is a reason travelers use maps and pin locations they traveled... they like the visual. Now, with travelpins, not only can they pin in digital, but they can store the memories from that location at that location for travelers at that spot to see... and share it... to both people who are there and who aren’t there(depending on your privacy and security settings)

It’s complex. Read slow.


07/19/20 11:32 AM

#128371 RE: Empirestate123 #128365

Those loading their businesses on ARknet are pioneers in the AR space. It may not seem like much at the moment, but over time as AR and AR glasses become more commonplace, they will be at the forefront of the technology.

Kind of like settlers on the prairie. Build it and they will come.

Plus, once use of AR for shopping becomes commonplace, the businesses on there will enjoy much lower fees, thus higher profits for them.

There are many other benefits that come to mind, but think about this one in particular:

Say you sell t-shirts from your home based business and there's a festival in a town nearby. You will be able to teleport a virtual storefront at that festival.

I know this is all sounding futuristic, but it's very near future and can happen today. ARknet will already be there when AR glasses come out and people really start to adopt the technology. It will be eye opening.