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07/18/20 11:58 AM

#36966 RE: skitahoe #36957

Correct Gary. Unfortunately, if stringent protective measures are not immediately implemented throughout the USA, we could be facing by election day, several million more COVID-19 infected individuals and hundreds of thousands of additional fatalities.

I hope that by that time, the oncoming catastrophe will silence most of the Deep State conspiracy theorists and alternate fact scientists because we will not be able to afford further procrastination with respect to implementation of all the defensive measures that have to be put in place.

Unfortunately we have a long way to go when a Governor of Georgia bans the State's local municipalities from mandating all their residents to wear masks outside their homes.

We are the laughing stock of the globe. Right now, many countries have the pandemic under better control. We can't travel to Europe. Canada with a few hundred cases per day or or even Mexico with more daily cases does not allow American citizens within their borders.

If things don't change for the better, than eventually in order to prevent infected Americans from entering their Country, Mexico will end up building that wall.


07/18/20 2:01 PM

#36968 RE: skitahoe #36957

lol -



07/18/20 3:22 PM

#36970 RE: skitahoe #36957

If you only watch CNN (and main stream media), you'll see a non-stop jeremiad on Covid, driven by a vicious hatred of Trump and conservatives.

The left would do anything to regain power, including assaulting the last election (remember the massive fraud with the pee "dossier" in the center), and using Covid to destroy our economy, and impoverishing millions of the people least able to manage it.

The latest is a so far very successful effort to erase our history and heritage. Engendering race hatred is just a part of the effort. This is ISIS/Taliban level of destruction, and more effective, since it's done by left wing sociopaths, egged on by the highest levels of the Democrat party. Watch ISIS thugs smash 3000 year old antiquities with sledge hammers, and you'll see the parallel to the ANTIFAFA shock troops of the left.

The virus was loosed upon the world by the Chinese Communist Party, with malice aforethought. But the crazed, hate filled left is using it to demolish this country. I cannot imagine how H.Clinton would do any better. After all it was Trump who stopped Chinese travel to this country (coincidentally, contrary to Saint Fauci's advice), mobilized our industrial power to produce more ventilators than needed, set up hospitals in NYC, while Cuomo was sending the elderly to their death forcing nursing homes to take Covid patients.

I do appreciate your insights on Pluristem, but the political overtones are inappropriate and in my view utterly wrong-headed.