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07/17/20 12:48 PM

#4281 RE: RCKS #4279

Absolutely no problem with that.

As a child I received all the vaccinations that everyone was offered -- usually at no cost through the public school system in Colorado; yet there are what I call "health nuts" out there that wouldn't allow their children to have any of the vaccinations (and that always made me feel very sad for their children). I'm tempted to call that child abuse.

As for me doing well, this last week was terrible for me ... filling out tax forms and trying to make sense of them. I didn't feel terrible because I would have to pay taxes, because I would not; I felt terrible because I didn't understand the result.

I had to call my broker, E*Trade, twice and ask if the 1099 I downloaded from their internet site was correct (because in multiple previous years they had to send emails telling everyone to re-download their 1099s because there were some mistakes that were corrected). I was assured over and over it was correct. But still, I couldn't believe it and that took me a long time last week to overcome.

So here is the result that I still can't believe but am assured by tax experts at E*Trade is absolutely correct: I had taxable high 6-digit short-term gains in my taxable trading account but I get to report (and carry forward) net losses in that account of just under a million dollars. Really???

I had no long-term numbers to report. It would be impossible to do weekly CC trades every week for a full year and not have the shares assigned. I more or less prefer assignment every week or two.