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07/15/20 9:06 AM

#30840 RE: StockProdigy #30838

I suggest you ask the company their plans. They’ll be glad to answer any questions or concerns you may have. Thanks!
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Shell Man

07/15/20 9:15 AM

#30850 RE: StockProdigy #30838

"V" shaped hulls were never a requirment until....

Iraq. The technology was always there but it wàs never a requitment until IED's started blasting standard hull veicles apart.

All of a sudden there was a mas requirment for V shaped vehicle hulls because the angle deflects the blast and saves lives.

There was never a mass requirment for such air filters so no one bought them.

Now there is a mass requirement for them which is the reason prior to COVID you saw no sales.

Just as with V shaped hulls KNOS is now not only massively needed but also it can be said in the future a REQUIRMENT.