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Dragon Lady

07/19/20 9:43 AM

#101651 RE: Adamb2 #101617


yeah I put a substantial amount in when I heard the Russia news. After two years, there is nothing about the Russia deal. Turns out to be fake. Management wont talk about it. I wonder why?

Well - CELZ is a prototypical total penny con job. Simple as that :)

Invoking some exotic, far away place that NO ONE can actually verify, such as "Russia" = very common penny pump scam "technique" when you have serial cons and frauds posing as some sort of legit "company", when it's nothing but a share printing and dilution paper mill to feed monies back to the separate entity "mother ship" and insiders who "work for" same.

That's warning sign #1, when all the "insiders", all 4 or so of the insider cons, when they all actually "work for" a separate micro LLC or micro corp, a private one and then "get paid as consultants" to the empty shell public penny stock ($CELZ) trash-n-fraud scam portion.

Puts a "legal layer" between them and the penny con job- in this case literally being run out of a dump of a residential house in Arizona, as supposed "CELZ WORLD HEADQUARTERS" LMAO !

No, you can't make this shit up - it' so, so, so bad on a pile like CELZ.

$CELZ is nothing but a share dilution machine that pays 3 or 4 serial penny cons a lot of bank and then allows them also to "expense" things like their fancy cars, country club fees and probably strip club "business meetings" back to vapid, nothing $CELZ the shell game.

There's nothing here- just read their SEC filings. The public entity is always kept drained of cash to the point of always teetering on BK and has massive debts and only still exists as they continually ink and sign gutter grade toxic debt dilution notes owed, never ending. (Textbook share printing and dilution mill)

ALL ONE NEEDS TO KNOW - is the shares outstanding count AFTER THE WIPE-OUT REVERSE-SPLIT-A-CON and then see where the share count is now. INCREASED many 100 fold in what, a period of mere months after massively revers splitting the existing toilet paper issued?

$CELZ "true" split-corrected share price TODAY = .0000333 approx

(Worthless - the common shares have literally lost 99.99% of their "value" in a few yrs as the "mgt team" runs the penny charade-a-scam)

They print and issue shares faster than a high speed toilet paper factory- cranking out the thin ply, low grade gas station grade butt wipes LOL !!

CELZ is a penny con-n-fraud. It's just that simple folks :)