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07/14/20 2:21 AM

#93854 RE: CYDYWinning #93853

CYDYWinning, Thank you in advance.

This is exactly what we will need to do to make real lasting change in the greatest country on Earth. I think A LOT of people are getting fed up with the divide and conquer tactics being used to pit Americans against fellow Americans all while the puppet masters pull strings and accumulate obscene amounts of wealth and power while also deciding who lives and who dies from the healthcare system we (the taxpayers) pay for.

I believe your sentiments are shared by Nader P... if I recall correctly, I believe he grew up as a child and young teen in Iran where I am sure he was able to witness first hand the atrocities of the military industrial complex (which is very similar to BP and the paid for Bureaucrats). He is exactly the leader we need to fight this fight and get Lero to market. I believe he understands the enemy and is calculating all of his moves to position CYDY in a win win scenario. The portion of yesterdays CC I appreciate the most is all of the avenues CYDY is exploring all over the world... in particular with China and the middle East.

I truly believe we have a game changer, it is my only regret that I am not in a financial position to buy a significantly higher amount of shares, but I will continue to buy what I can, when I can.

Call me a conspiracy theorist- I wear it as a badge of honor, and this mindset has served me extremely well to this point. Just remember absolute power corrupts absolutely, and for heavens sake please everyone do your DD before getting any vaccine that is being rushed to market, the cure will most likely be worse than the disease.


The oNiOnHEAd

07/14/20 2:23 AM

#93857 RE: CYDYWinning #93853

If you've seen some of my previous posts, you can be sure that I would be happy to join you. I'm currently have lawsuits pending or in progress in one of the most corrupt states in the US.


07/14/20 10:27 AM

#93912 RE: CYDYWinning #93853

Personally , I believe something should be done..
But you tell me....

Our combo is for MDR HIV , dying people , and they playing with us since 2015..

First they gave us protocol when doctors in 38 hospitals and clinics couldn't enroll 40 patients within 2 years..

This may happen for 2 reasons.

-- very rare diseases.
--very bad protocol..

And HIV is not a very rare disease.

After 2 years finally they changed protocol and enrollment was done..

We finished study February 2019 , with 350 mg , efficacy 81%..

They approved Maraviroc with 45%
Ibalizumab with 43%..

But they told us to continue patients on 525 mg and 700 mg for 24 more weeks safety profile ,
because they expect even better results..

So again , another year passed ..
And every month as patients dying we still need more data...

It is not looking very honest to me...

I cant believe what they doing with us, as for hardly working Remdesivir they changed primary endpoint to accommodate results of the study , and approved drug 2-3 days later...

And about 70% of people approving this drug in FDA had some financial relation with Gilead..

How all this can be legal...

All IMO...