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Split T

07/11/20 11:37 PM

#24091 RE: Dmceng4 #24088

Dmceng4, Wow! that is some awesome information and great insight on Walmart. I would really like to hear more as the retail landscape is drastically changing and your knowledge is a treasure trove. I Will send you a PM on the BP Channel.

Split T

A little history how Sam Walton initially began Smart. Pretty shrewd Arkansas boy. He would go into the hinterland and seek out distressed properties in existing strip mall that had lost one of their major tenants. It just happened that in each one of theses location there was also a midsize Kmart also in town. Sam would remodel the space offer great deals and within a few months would have filled parking lot all the time. The Kmart which was operating marginally would be gone within a year. That's how he started his empire. He didn't start attacking the major urban markets until he had built up a good revenue stream to start the bailout of his combo stores with groceries and eventually of course left Kmart in his wake. My masters thesis was describing the rise of Wmart and the demise of Kmart. I know them intimately. Wmart would be VERY well served by the JCP standalone and mall sites. Various locations that Wmart wants to expand into are frought with zoning and local municipality restrictions. JCP is already there. I know many areas in SE MI where Wmart would love to have the JCP locations. Obviously you gather I haha a lot of respect for Wmart. I have even more for a retailer known as Meijers who can go toe to toe with Wmart and has survived and in most cases exceed them!!! Interesting business retail.
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07/12/20 4:56 PM

#24129 RE: Dmceng4 #24088

Is there a flow-chart or a listing of the major retail location holders?
showing the top 10 - the-whos-who
