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07/10/20 7:27 PM

#141532 RE: Fat-man #141531

Well, if you read a little bit more carefully, the LOI said Net Element will sell its current e-commerce business, which is a prerequisite for the reverse merge deal.


07/10/20 9:42 PM

#141536 RE: Fat-man #141531

You’re way off Please complete your DD and you will see that NETE has an e commerce arm that SF referenced.


07/11/20 2:30 AM

#141539 RE: Fat-man #141531

I think you might be mistaken. Read up again.


07/12/20 3:53 PM

#141544 RE: Fat-man #141531

I also read the LOI in detail. They (NETE) will divest themselves of their current line of business in its entirety, then the empty shell and all of their current investors will reverse-merge with Mullen. What is not stated is who or how the current $65M business will go to.

Since the purchaser will not be buying the business entity (shell) the stock and the exchange listing will NOT be included.

If that purchaser is RXMD they will still have to submit an S-1 and seek NASDAQ listing, as has been discussed.