Nobody gives a crap Foley...
Even the few fake "glowing" reviews you managed to convince your followers into writing for this garbage stopped appearing more than three years ago on the app store. It's long over.
Stop pretending NTEK is some sort of business - it's well past getting old. NTEK might have had an employee that considered making something legit out of this penny scam for a few minutes years ago, but that time has long since past.
People would ask you why the stock is still under caveat emptor with the OTC, why everyone under the sun is owed money (as demonstrated in you and the wifey's repeated bankruptcy filings), why you can't afford to have counsel represent you in the SEC matter, or where Steve's Orefice is - along with that suitcase of $20 milly large - but you're fresh out of answers for any of those inquiries.
Looking forward to Foley Prison Blog: Family Edition. We all know it's coming. LMFAO!