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07/07/20 11:20 PM

#3884 RE: 1manband #3883

Yeah, expecting a bunch of new ones to crop up. CGLD is the latest.....take a bunch of unpatented claims on USFS land, tell investors you have "billions in mineral reserves" without a single drill hole, and promise no selling of shares by management for two years!!! Of course, that doesn't mean that toxic lenders won't be dumping millions of shares....they're not management, right?

I expect to see the usual tales of reprocessing tailings where the old timer miners somehow missed half the precious metals. New technology involving plasma heated to the temperature of the sun, or maybe some kind of magic elixir to suck out the gold.

Maybe some wacko schemes to extract gold from volcanic ash, or coal ash, or maybe from lake bed clays?

Or maybe another imaginary Mexican gold mine being operated by imaginary management (a la SRGE, CRGP, and now AABB).

Or how about yet another new Lumb scam? It's about time to kickoff another one of those.