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07/07/20 7:39 PM

#2974 RE: Higbee #2970

Maybe they're working on the website and that is just the general thing that pops up when it's down for maintenance.

There is too huge marijuana companies in the United States that have yet to go public one of them is in New York Eaton LLC the other is in California hemp health.

Also cannonau Corp could just be a front for one of these companies we could get a new name change and ticker symbol with just 1 piece of paper turned in.

I think you made a wise investment and wouldn't call anything a scam until the fat lady sings let this play out and see what happens.

But still might need some patience I read months ago that the current CEO that I believe is just a temporary man has to stay in place for 3 years.
The 3 years as coming up in 6 months we might have to wait for that time range before we get the real news we've been looking for.

They have been organizing this filing papers for 2 and a 1/2 years all without selling a share if this was a scam they woulda started selling shares months maybe even years ago in my opinion.