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07/06/20 3:31 PM

#308525 RE: warrenthomas4001 #308524

Would you believe me if I told you...

I was having the very same thought a couple of weeks ago?

I was kidding on my last post (okay, mostly kidding.) This one? Well, I think it's a valid question. Flu or any other malady...

What’s the plan of continuity...


07/06/20 3:35 PM

#308526 RE: warrenthomas4001 #308524

Interesting thought. Unfortunately, the structure of this company is weak at best and it is more of a holding shell at this point. Maybe Jane. One of the two remaining board members - assuming that they even know they are still on the board.


07/06/20 3:53 PM

#308527 RE: warrenthomas4001 #308524

Leo was asked that recently. He reported his health was stable with a recent medical evaluation. If he became incapacitated,Jane Harness
would be in charge until a successor could be found.

IMO as interest in the company grows, the clinical trials approach, and stable funding is secured it would be expected IPIX would hire additional full time executives, perhaps even a CMO to replace Bertolino. IMO additional hires could come in the next few weeks.

There was a rumor posted on the board IPIX was looking or advertising for someone. Sorry I can not remember who posted the information.

Good luck,Farrell

To infinity and beyond!

07/06/20 4:01 PM

#308531 RE: warrenthomas4001 #308524

So few cases in Mass now. A month or two ago it was a real concern