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07/05/20 6:41 AM

#13063 RE: Chas56789 #13061

You're going to have plenty of time to accumulate more shares. The share/warrant distribution will all most likely be determined at the annual shareholders meeting, which is in June, so unless they decide to do it before then we will probably be looking at next June.


07/05/20 7:29 AM

#13066 RE: Chas56789 #13061

When you think about it there's a big reason why they want to have some time pass between when the warrants/shares are distributed.

IMO they figure that after their announcement about the deal made last month they want the Treasury share price to move up as high as possible to attract more buyers to FMG.

If I'm new to FMG and know that I can buy shares in the Company that will also get me warrants (that are already in the money) and shares of Treasury Metals are rising rapidly. That's a big incentive to buy into this Company.

Think about how many new shareholders that can bring into the Company in a year's time. I see it as a pretty nice reason to buy FMG shares.