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07/04/20 7:16 PM

#90818 RE: Irishvox #90815

You're not getting it. Our approval will take away revenue from the big pharma. Our drug is clearly better, so once it's approved and out there, who's going to want to use the 2nd best? Big pharma as lined the pockets of the government. Will it be approved, most likely when is the question. I really hope it does for mankind. But life isn't fair, and it's the people who have the money that make the rules. I hope I'm wrong and we're in for a HUGE surprise, I don't see that happening until we partner with BP.


07/04/20 9:03 PM

#90845 RE: Irishvox #90815

The live-die decision already doomed many placebo patients to certain death, in the trials. What a cruel way to certify a drug!


07/04/20 10:39 PM

#90868 RE: Irishvox #90815

At 4 vials 300,000 patients. Under FDA regulations for manufacturing it can take up to a year and a half to start producing. Other countries might go with less stringent regulations to be able to access the drug faster. With a billionaire ready to fund overseas use another manufacturer may be added for those countries.