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07/04/20 5:50 PM

#165193 RE: DewmBoom #165192

yes - let's not worry about the troubles of vrus shareholders to come. today is the birthday of America. where riches are made. made off the backs of shareholders in OTC companies. vrus - home of the true believers.
vrus :)


07/04/20 6:30 PM

#165197 RE: DewmBoom #165192

Why can't they get a loan?

A loan would have been better, but they can’t get a loan.

Where do you get your info? Has the A-Team worked with legit commercial-lenders and been turned away? How many times? WHY?

Good businesses don't struggle with commercial lending the way these guys appear to, especially with record-low rates being backstopped by FED.

What's wrong with the business that no commercial-lending is available at currently record-low rates?

Why do these guys continually suck on the teat of 'alternate finance'?

Could it POSSIBLY be:

1. the business ain't so great, and
2. commercial-lenders won't touch it, and
3. there are LOTS OF SHARES AVAILABLE FOR DILUTION as necessary, and
4. Anshu "doesn't pay attention to stock price" or actually care about retail shareholders"

Watching, waiting, and hoping for better days here.


07/05/20 3:09 PM

#165210 RE: DewmBoom #165192

Two words: Moral Hazard

Verus will continue to borrow money from shareholders, which it will never have to pay, because it does not intend to ever pay back the money borrowed from company revenues earned. Anshu is content on taking our money to repay debt, and he will continue to borrow more. Remember $500k was spent on Pachyderm Inventory and could have paid off the note due. The note due will now be paid off by selling shares or letting the note convert.

“Moral hazard occurs when an entity (Verus) has an incentive to increase its exposure to risk because it does not bear the full costs of that risk.”