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07/04/20 12:54 PM

#90724 RE: justdafactss #90714

You did and that's what I found so amusing. The record you posted basically was the one that "retired" Luitpold's business entity since it was bought by American Regent....over a year and half ago.

Of course, American Regent being a upstanding, productive business with a billion $$ business to run renews their corporate registrations...because that's what responsible businesses do.

Anyone searching the NYS site will find there are three record hits for "American Regent". Two of the three deal with retiring the Luitpold business entity name, the CURRENT record is the most important one - ACTIVE STATUS for American Regent.

Choosing selective data is not the scientific method or full disclosure - it's called FRAUD.

Record hits in NYS database....not some non-authoritative .com website.

Actual, and ACTIVE, registration from the website: