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07/04/20 3:17 PM

#90758 RE: humble howard #90694

FDA will set guidelines after reviewing P2 M/M and S/C trials results. They way their President responded I got the impression that Mexico isn't hamstrung by extensive FDA regulations to work through and I'll bet they aren't so heavily influenced by the whims of BP like our gov't is, from top to bottom, save perhaps Bernie Sanders and a couple others out of the limelight, so likely they can move quicker on approval than we can. I read they are testing near 50% positive, so that will cut some red tape too. Investment groups/banks and partners are never revealed before contract is signed, as far as I've seen, for what that's worth. (I'm far from one of the expert voices on this msg board! We have a great group of much smarter guys here, who share a lot. Thx to all of them, B-Ops, Chuckles, Scooter the tutor and many more.) NP said investors and BP were sniffing around, waiting for the results due out in the next 2 weeks, so the shortage of cash will either be resolved by hooking up with an investor after the great news gets released, or by spending some of the 100m shares in an offering approved by shareholders recently if we don't achieve the desired results. Somebody posted here a few days ago, results from CA trial that showed about 75% of the patients in both arms, being released from care as successfully treated. I haven't seen it since and didn't save it, so I'd like to see it again to verify it's truthful. Maybe the glut of current activity has occupied the staff so much that other news is getting out more slowly.