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07/03/20 10:12 AM

#32635 RE: MrPuff #32632

I think that can be said for just about anyone. Most people push their own agenda because well....we all want to make money. Gotta take everything anyone says with a grain of salt and read between the lines. Once you see a ton of people suddenly piling into a stock and pushing the upward narrative then you know it’s time to get out. That’s my theory and it usually is on par. I bought back in here by the way. I. Think it has another run left. GL


07/03/20 10:24 AM

#32636 RE: MrPuff #32632

That’s thin and unfair! Things change and people sometimes voice differences in opinions.

Fact: I was all I’m out and have little to NO interest. (Does not make it right or wrong)

Hey......I hope this does well for everyone and I’m 100% wrong; some good folks here invested!
The original Pmprs are gone; if the company comes back; they’ll be back seen that many times.

**Please reread the OC post to get his opinion again; it’s hardly light hearted, haha.
I don’t know the guy and honestly don’t know what’s in his heart but he and a few others sure seemed shady to me; it’s funny how I got roped into that group but what ever makes you feel better. I defend myself only.

Thank you Nike for being fair and having a better memory, you’re a legit board member.

By the way I thanked Sharky and Adam for showing me to TLSS; does that make them awful people????
I am currently on another board with Sharky and ONLY have good experiences of him, though he was here and showed me TLSS. Think of folks how you may but don’t blame them for money made or lost it ONLY will cloud your judgement.

OTC not for emotional traders