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07/02/20 8:41 AM

#164883 RE: BigBlackDog #164880

I like it ...a lot...Like that caller said ...Communication has been “horrible...horrible” I think that’s what he said ...Anyway that’s close enough...LMAO


07/02/20 8:43 AM

#164885 RE: BigBlackDog #164880

Yeah Mark never responded to me either on my e-mail I sent to him on Tuesday. I don't think they will lose BLF that is their best producing company basically. No one can enjoy those gummies anymore if BLF is no more:( To lose a company because you defaulted on a small note would be crazy.


07/02/20 8:55 AM

#164887 RE: BigBlackDog #164880

I think Anshu has forgotten where he came from. He is building revenue streams for himself and not an investable company. I think he’s probably honest about revenues and that’s about it. He clearly doesn’t need us anymore and doesn’t feel the need to share anymore than he has to.

His shade lies in the “back door dilution” deals disguised as loans. He is building revenues with our money, while convincing us this is a great thing. It’s a brilliant and legal way to take money and never give it back. It’s OTC 101, just more deceptive, which allowed him to operate freely for longer, driving the pps up and robbing it all the way back down.

We wont ever get to benefit from those revenues. They will never go toward repaying the loans or rebuilding the equity he stole from us. He wont buy back any of the shares that converted, which would be the same as paying off the debt at a later date. He doesn’t think that way. He is 100% self serving now and I can’t believe I didn’t pick up on this before now. Kudos Anshu, you took money from hard working people without asking while pretending it wasn’t happen. He will never give any of it back. The thought will never cross his mind to share any of the company success with us ever again. Oh just let the shareholders fund it all. It’s a brilliant new take on the traditional OTC playbook of letting your shareholders fund everything. I mean this is high level, premeditated thievery. We trusted him, which was part of his plan, but the only way we could add value to Anshu, was for him to get money out of us, and our equity was there for his taking.

Anshu is the worst kind of OTC toxin, or maybe he didn’t use to be and this is Chris’ influence, but either way, he is officially black booked as a small time OTC crook, imo. He stole all of the shareholder equity to fund his SBC. The company is thriving and the investors are starving, that’s counter intuitive, unless that was always the plan, which is why we’ve stayed in the OTC for so long. Just couldn’t let all that free money (our equity) go to waste, right Anshu? Fund growth with the equity built up over the first part of last year - via dilution, but delay the dilution and disguise it as debt while knowing the shareholders will be the ones footing the bill, just don’t tel ll the shareholders or they’ll leave taking “YOUR” money, right Anshu, you see it as “YOUR” money. Like I said, the he is the worst kind of toxin. Those that get close to their mark in order to rob them.

I see the plan vividly now. Once he’s pilfered the all the equity, he will plan an uplist and get everyone excited and on board with the RS, convincing everyone that this is a good thing, when in reality - it clears the trail of his deception and the history of his deceit. He will benefit from the new low float NYSE stock (post RS) with “triple digit growth” for 7 out of the last 8 quarters and the story goes on.

It’s a fairly unique take on the typical OTC dilution play. I have not seen it before and did not see it coming. I don’t know why smart people go the route of doing bad by others. I guess he felt like he could. Money can do that to people. It can be the root of evil for those who can’t control themselves. That was never his money to take. He is smart financially, but morally compromised.. I’m on to you Anshu. Smart criminals are still criminals. The thing about greed, is it never stops and will eventually be his downfall.