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07/02/20 9:24 AM

#60960 RE: Sasha72 #60955

Mistakes were made-one could say that

The Stefanovics practicing fraud, and getting caught by the SEC might be called a mistake. They should've stuck with their one store trading post. Then again creating a fraud around imaginary gold was more exciting.

NO TRADING for about 2 years.

Yep that's when the stock was originally suspended. Then the Stefanovics were charged with fraud in Sep 2019.

Now, EFLN is trading again

No more than the last 2 yrs.

starting all over!

There's nothing to start over. EFLN is a Zombie stock. Devoid of any management to issue PR pumps about some scam angle. Neither with its fraud history will any scammer touch it.

There's nothing to "start over". The stock is wandering aimlessly around in stock Zombie land.