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07/01/20 4:29 PM

#89806 RE: justdafactss #89803

“... and counting”. So what’s our current count for ambulance chasing law firms with no case against CYDY as they are not in litigation?


Scooter McCabe

07/01/20 5:09 PM

#89828 RE: justdafactss #89803


Bronstein, Gerwirtz, Grossman LLC

4 hot locations

1. Brooklyn Address, it's right above a 5 And Below Store. Check out the throwback cooler in the window:

Homery sweet Homery lol!

2. The New Jersey address. It's a garage attached to a UPS Store. I'm not kidding.

Garage lawyer band anyone?

3. The Swanky New York City Digs?

At first glance looks pretty legit right?

Say hi to the 2000 sqaure foot dump on the 46th floor!

FYI major law firms in New York take up entire floors. There is barely enough room to keep 7 years worth court documents as required by law in that office.

4. The LA Location!

Okay this looks impressive, could be trouble....

But digging deeper we got us some sweet sweet laziness. How can two different law firms call dibs on the same office?

The answer is they can't. Remember BG&G is a firm of 6, count them 6 lawyers. NYC, Brooklyn and Jersey are central locations for them since they are all out of the East Coast. We know the NYC spot can handle 2 lawyers and 2 staffers at max based on size. That's 4 weasels left. So you would think okay even split. Wrong if you look their bio page it tells you they are all practicing out of the NYC area. LA is horse feathers and beans. It's nothing!

Howard G Smith (Again)

This is his dump, hasn't changed.

Howard is a one man outfit meaning he does it all himself, apparently that includes not updating his own website:

First go around with this guy he had a nice little link for CYDY. After it fizzled he pulled it down. Hasn't put it back up since he announced he was "still investigating" just like O.J. Simpson is looking for the real killers.

With those lists of cases he isn't looking to do the research himself. As previously stated his MO is to join his case to others. So if someone doesn't do the footwork he just doesn't do the work.

Block Levington

The Boston Location: [url],+Boston,+MA+02110/@42.3569598,-71.0536985,3a,75y,1.23h,90t/data=!3m8!1e1!3m6!1sETjLycvVK5lKXfyyRbeDfA!2e0!3e11!!7i13312!8i6656!4m13!1m7!3m6!1s0x89e37086c623fcc1:0xe5a27f15c0d313fe!2s260+Franklin+St+%231860,+Boston,+MA+02110!3b1!8m2!3d42.3567453!4d-71.0539307!3m4!1s0x89e37086c623fcc1:0xe5a27f15c0d313fe!8m2!3d42.3567453!4d-71.0539307
[/url][tag]Classy indeed[/tag]

I will be quick with this one. 12 lawyers this time, but all out of Boston yet claiming offices in multiple locations:

More fun with them, we aren't even listed on their investigations page:

Some shady firms for you.



07/01/20 9:14 PM

#89900 RE: justdafactss #89803

What happened to the last ones? It seemed like they consisted of "OK, no one is going to actually do an investigation of these unfounded allegations. Unfortunately no lawsuit to leech onto, so we'll go away.".