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06/30/20 11:38 AM

#127187 RE: Sasaash #127184

Pfizer, the 800 lb gorilla with the mightiest lobbying power and strategies?

Makes no sense.

Any link to that information?


06/30/20 11:45 AM

#127188 RE: Sasaash #127184

Not true.


06/30/20 12:58 PM

#127200 RE: Sasaash #127184

Hope your right, but FDA has final say.

So far correct.

Pfizer had a drug that CURED alzheimers in tests. Right before the final trial, FDA cancelled the test and Im guessing Big Pharma had alot to say about it.

Oops. Off the tracks into conspiracy land we go.

As opposed to:

Bapineuzumab failed to improve cognitive or functional performance compared with placebo in patients who did not carry a variation of a gene called ApoE4, according to initial results of the Phase III study released late on Monday.

It seems Big Pharma did have a lot to say about it. As in Pfizer which one could characterize as Big Pharma reported trial failure.


If the Kenny Wonder Treatment ever makes it to a Phase 1 CT, it will fail. But the failure will be due to lack of efficacy. Not due to a Big Pharma conspiracy to prevent it from being marketed. Although one should expect the claim to be made in future posts.