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06/28/20 9:26 PM

#617365 RE: Wise Man #617364



06/29/20 1:59 AM

#617378 RE: Wise Man #617364

Thanks for posting, very interesting read. From a layman’s perspective it seems to make sense holding the conservator to a fiduciary duty. It is frustrating that Hera seems to be intentionally crafted to bypass this duty. Downright chilling that the architects of this “Crime of the Century” are now in place to presumably guide the GSE’s out of bondage. Been holding for seven years right till the end, trusting that common sense and justice will prevail. Dream of one day seeing the “gov mob” characters in front of a Judge. (Right MC?)

Digra Ive

06/29/20 3:02 AM

#617379 RE: Wise Man #617364

Wow; shareholder is challenging the rulings of Judge Sweeney.
Once, some people on this board brought this judge up but now we are challenging his decision too.
It looks like conspiracy
Ohhh Yeeee !!!!!


06/29/20 6:31 AM

#617381 RE: Wise Man #617364

Carlos said it well: The FHFA breached the duty as a conservator, when it paid dividends to the US Treasury resulting in the undercapitilization of the GSE's.

The regultions prohibit the payment of dividends which result in undercapitilization of the GSE's and that is EXACTLY what the FHFA did..they paid "dividends to themselves" resulting in undercapiilization of the GSE's.

While Cooper and Kirk are the best, it makes me wonder why THey DID not address this issue (even tho, it may not be necessary, and it "may" result in dirtying up the water).