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06/28/20 7:19 PM

#88262 RE: Meshuggah777 #88258

It appears he’s been trading the stock on both sides of the trade. There’s always intraday short trades to be made if you’re really good but only the most arrogant would try to short CYDY with the new money volume flowing into this stock IMO


06/28/20 11:53 PM

#88333 RE: Meshuggah777 #88258

Sykes described it "CYDY sitting on a ledge". I though the same initially as there is no clarification if he's long or short but what happens from a ledge, you fall. I'm not saying he's not long, he could be playing both sides.

It heightens, in my mind, the possibility of a limited accelerating window of a falling prince to take advantage of. Even if he's not the one shorting it brings the mechanism a little more into focus.