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06/27/20 1:28 PM

#139674 RE: toncatmad #139671

I don't see them MAKING 15 units per week
let alone 1500!

Vystar = smoke & mirrors
Pay no attention to the guy behind the curtain -
he just needs $$ to pay the pool cleaner.


06/27/20 1:32 PM

#139675 RE: toncatmad #139671

So you have visited the plant and know what they are capable of? What did you base the number 15 off of?


06/27/20 1:38 PM

#139676 RE: toncatmad #139671

I know the demand is there, I can’t quantify it personally. I can only go off the PR that states they are targeting capacity for 1,500 per week. Which in Covid times for the 3000 and up models is quite possible. Normally, no... they’d be lucky to sell 5 a week before this Covid crisis.

Every place I’ve called asking to buy and Rx3000 is sold out and they can’t say when they’ll get more. The personnel on the phone Claim that VYST is working on meeting demand.

My bet is they can’t find parts to meet demand. If they are improving the units that’s fine and it makes sense to if they have to reinvent the supply chain. Which my guess is they are... Greg would have no knowledge of this. He’s too busy working on his tan.

If they improve the units then they’ll have to go through testing all over again to get FDA medical device 510k etc. That will take a year. So IF they did start in 2019 it’s possible and that’s why the PR talks about testing.

Clock is ticking though. Based on them just finding the molds for production it sounds like they were way behind. FDA will want to see the manufacturing space, quality controls in manufacturing and engineering etc.

Rotmans are in way over their heads here... but if they get the right brains involved they could pull it off.

I just don’t know the status of production, redesign goals, and what phase they’re in with the FDA in recertifications. Plus supply chain issues.