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06/24/20 10:54 PM

#193083 RE: gimmegimmeminemine #193053

I don't get why anyone would want to RS, dilute and attempt to get on Nasdaq without any production of their product. It's out of order.

If you go with the assumption that financing won't be good, then all else is likely a similar scenario of doom and gloom. If I were Maxim I would finance KBLB at Blackrock like levels. Investment bankers wish they were as fortunate as Maxim. Investment Banks look for companies with solid science backing their endeavors. There is no doubt that KBLB scientists and affiliates, have achieved the impossible more than once. There is quite simply, no better collateral than scientific breakthroughs.

If KBLB were my first run as an investment Bank, I would fund them at multiples of where we are right now, riding what they have been able to accomplish in the lab and expanding on it. I don't think Maxim will do that, but this could get interesting if.....just a nice dream, but the circumstances are right for lightning to strike me twice.