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06/24/20 12:36 PM

#5915 RE: Barfly3718 #5914

Last 1000 shares slapped at 6.00....

which likely/possibly means insiders are buying

at 6.00 and EXPECTING much higher share

Price.... or whoever is buying....

Good luck to all


06/24/20 2:41 PM

#5916 RE: Barfly3718 #5914

This is either....

A) 1 lone wolf nut job blowing 5/6 thousand

verdict: highly unlikely 10%

B) bunch of Twitter/ihub big whales about to
hype this because with only 118,00 o/s, this
can go ten fold

verdict: possible:: 40%

C) insiders finally have the ok to buy shares
with merger finally official and prs to begin

Verdict... likely: 50%

Good luck to all