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06/23/20 11:01 AM

#28688 RE: _1_ #28687

Heffernan has never had shareholder's interest in mind. I think everyone who has been following him over the past 14 years will agree with that.

The fact that there's been so much confusion over what happened with BZTG back a decade ago in order for it to become the non reporting HEFFX further attests to that.

He also made clear his disdain for shareholders when he held court at his infamous super secret shareholder chatroom, where he told anyone who didn't go along with the program to simply sell their shares and go away. Then, blocked them from further participation.

All this makes trading this ticker a might difficult.


06/23/20 1:13 PM

#28689 RE: _1_ #28687

Thumbs up people! #BZTG coming back to life! $$BUZZ #buy