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06/20/20 11:35 PM

#10163 RE: tcm55 #10162

I'm not going to stoop so low to even suggest I should be grateful for Kal Malhi ripping common shareholders off at Breathtec Biomedical. Leaving shareholders high and dry. Bring in a new CEO who also fleeced us with the Technion Institute NA-NOSE nonsense. Trump up the bogus breathalyzer as still viable. While at the same time Dr. Yost gets appointed to our competitor (Owlstone Medical). Only for them to finally admit the breathalyzer than no one ever saw in the 4 years they peddled the story, to dump it and the UF agreement, and Dr. Yost skips off onto another adventure. Subsequently, the reverse takeover billed as an acquisition (2:1 reverse split in a deal where Chris Moreau was simultaneously the CEO of both Breathtec and Nash Pharmaceuticals - negotiating a deal with himself/self dealing) then immediately run the shares up to presplit levels. Shareholders have gotten their clocks cleaned with MASSIVE DILUTION in the name of "acquisition" and subsequently "COVID-19". 200M shares fully diluted and thus far not dosed a single human being. You (tcm7 aka tcm55) continue to wrongfully place Nash Pharma in the historical process as though it was an intermediate standalone company which it was not. You have been told and it's in black and white in all the filings it was and remains a subsidiary of first Breathtec and now Algernon Pahrmaceuticals. However, have fun with the past. I'm just one that knows exactly how it all went down and given what the latest CEO has been pulling for King Kal, I'm not overly grateful to anyone at corporate office for maybe trying to actually bring a company to real world revenues. It would be a 1st ever for a Kal Malhi company! That's the uphill battle we face.
