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06/18/20 3:23 PM

#339198 RE: ssc #339197

Those articles are from PGS website. So are you saying they aren't factual?

Julius Erving

06/19/20 3:38 AM

#339209 RE: ssc #339197

It seems that the SEC has trouble to revoke ERHC's shares.

Maybe you should ask them to speed things up? Why does this need to take so long, such a simple case...

But regardless, any daily follower who does not own shares knows that the only option is to wait for (TOTAL) news, before the axe will fall.

I relax and wait. Just the thought that I was spending my time here, without having ERHC shares, still gives me the jitters. Knowing up front that I never can/will be rewarded for that time spend on following ERHC...

But... fortunately I have 50 million shares.

* Longs bought at these levels, why unload now?
* Litigation trajectory is in final stages, why unload now?
* Total will start in the EEZ and JDZ in the near future, why unload now?
* Why not wait for news, why unload now?