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06/18/20 8:24 AM

#48618 RE: $Parabolic2030?$ #48617

First he is screaming r/s, then it's "that's what it looks like" and now it's "it could be something else"

You are right, cost 99% of the traders on here a good amount of money. It's not that hard to google (if you don't know or understand) Articles of Correction and learn how a controlling share is divided up for purposes of controlling interest and controlling voting rights...whether that is 1/200 or 1/500 or whatever the percentage is broken down to. Any R/S would require a material event filing in the form of an 8k or in a 10q and would actually say the words REVERSE SPLIT and it would say when it was approved and when it would be implemented. It would also say 1 for 200 or 1 for 1000 or whatever they come up with. The Articles of Correction fractional 1/200 or 1/500 represents that exact meaning, the fractional value of the controlling share. It was simply adjusted after the merger.
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06/18/20 10:03 AM

#48624 RE: $Parabolic2030?$ #48617

OK. I've had about enough of this. Here is the PROOF that a 1-555 REVERSE SPLIT is coming to $UWRL and the CEO of is responsible.

In March they filed Articles of Incorporation with Wyoming (which by the way allows UNLIMITED Authorized Shares to be put on the filing with the SOS...the ONLY state in the union as far as I know)

Here is a Screenshot, with explanations to follow:

1. Notice at the top that the corporation name is US Wirless Online? Well, that is $UWRL ladies and germs.

2. Notice that the common shares amount is 2.9 Billion. Which jibes with OTCMarkets.

3. Quote: Each 1 Share of corporations common stock (UWRL) .... shall be RECLASSIFIED and CHANGED Now you can call a REVERSE SPLIT by any number of names, 'Rollback' is one that I know of...and there was a filing which I will not look for that did a sneaky 'dividend' verbiage that was also a REVERSE SPLIT. A rose by any other name......get it?

The PURPOSE of these terms 'Rollback', and now 'RECLASSIFIED and CHANGED' is to DECEIVE the usually uninformed investor that a REVERSE SPLIT is what is actually being said.

OK. RECLASSIFIED AND CHANGED into 1/145 of a share. SO, Each share will become 1/145 of a share......if that isn't a freaking REVERSE SPLIT, I don't know what is.

Then in May that lying rat bastard steve morris had the AUDACITY to change that 1-145 REVERSE SPLIT into a 1-555 REVERSE SPLIT:

And attributed it to a 'scrivener's error' .......for those of you who don't know what it is, there's this amazing feature on the internet called which will lead you to a definition.

Here's my definition of this error: a FREAKING LIE.

Instead of only killing old shareholders halfway with a 1-145, he's gonna totally MURDER THEM INTO OBLIVION by making it 1-555....

Now the resulting OS will be 178,000 shares........can all you kids say 'NEW SHARES WILL BE ISSUED'??

PS. That ahole steve morris misspelled wireless in the corp

PPS. I've been trading stocks for over 40 years. I DEFY anybody to come up with a different explanation than the LIVING PROOF of a REVERSE SPLIT above.

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06/18/20 10:23 AM

#48626 RE: $Parabolic2030?$ #48617

I have NOT turned 180 as you will see by reading the post below. I was simply not going to HARP on that RS to more or less protect anybody that is still in this POS. However, now that you have challenged my statement, you've forced me to Explain in Detail what my reasoning is.

The Earth is Round.......however, there are a lot of people that FULLY Believe it is Flat.....

Need I say more?
