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06/17/20 10:20 PM

#85103 RE: ombowstring #85100

A couple of questions....

Anyone have any guesses if there are any trials underway for Leronlimab other than COVID-19? If so, would any of those trial patients ever show even mild COVID-19 symptoms if already being treated with Leronlimab?

Second question would be if a COVID-19 trials patient gets treated with Leronlimab and in the course of their COVID-19 treatment doctors discover they have one of the types of Leronlimab potentially treatable cancers, do they....

1) Once patient recovers from COVID-19 send them on to oncology for "traditional" treatment?

2) Once patient recovers from COVID-19 send them directly into the trials for the cancer they are being treated for?

3) Keep patient on Leronlimab and move them directly to EIND for their cancer?

Inquiring minds want to know....