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06/16/20 7:31 AM

#137916 RE: BobLeeShitPost #137912

It’s not just that it’s “Greg”. Yes Greg is blamed but that is because he is the only person involved for the most part.
This entire BS narrative is all fabricated by Greg.
I don’t feel there was ever any products to sell period. It was all a great story and nothing more. VYST has been around for well over 10 years and has done nothing zero zip! The only thing this company has sold is shares plain and simple. VYST has amassed well over 40 mil in accumulated deficit and adds to that everyday.
Then let’s add in UVFLU that has not made one single dime either. The original owners went out of business and bankrupt because nobody wanted the tech.
So now all of a sudden we add in a daily family furniture store to the mix and that’s supposed to make it all better?
There is a reason the other owner “brother of Steve” that owns the remaining 40% shares of Rotmans didn’t sell to VYST. There is also a reason Jamie Rotman left VYST even though she had a nice cushy job here. They didn’t want to be part of Greg’s BS.
We then add in the BOD who gets free shares and has nothing to do with the company. When was the last time any one of them has done or said anything other than to collect their free shares?
It’s all smoke and mirrors for Greg to sell shares


06/16/20 7:34 AM

#137919 RE: BobLeeShitPost #137912

Would help. They would have to move fast otherwise more litigation is coming their way from shareholders (it sounds).

I’m selling as fast as I can... market is too hot to sit and wait for the Rottmans to deal with Greg. Money to be made elsewhere on a 5-10x scale, can’t say same here for awhile. I’ll come back in a year to see what they’ve done to correct the situation.

Sounds like RXair isn’t owned by Vystar either... what a disaster if true.

gimmee greenbacks

06/16/20 8:03 AM

#137927 RE: BobLeeShitPost #137912

Agree with that.

Rotmans is a real business.

Patents hold tremendous value.

However the issue is no longer Greg, it is Steve.

Shareholders need to hear from CEO Steve Rotman and or Chairman of the Board Joey Allegra and we need to hear from them NOW.