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06/15/20 5:41 PM

#6071 RE: Never Was #6070

You hear what this man is saying Baloney boy? Telling it like it is!

HLIX "leadership" is full of hot air!



06/15/20 6:17 PM

#6072 RE: Never Was #6070


Ogur is so proud of his association with HLIX he leaves it off his bio at his day job at Spruce Investments in CT. I would try to hide that shit too, Spruce has real families and investors who do not associate with penny stock pump and dump. He seems like a good guy it is a shame he bought into Venegas' BS during the 9 months Venegas lasted at Spruce and is now attached to him

Orgur and Zac have been working together for several years, in virtually all former businesses together in those frontier markets. Their partnership spans over decades, actually, long before Spruce Investments. It's always been Ogur the CFO, Zac the CEO to my knowledge. The dynamic duo.

Also, clean up your language. We don't allow 4-letter words of that sort here. I'll let it stand this time as a warning. And also, try to quit misspelling the same words wrong with multiple ID's. It's okay to misspell, but try to misspell differently in order to be more icognito. Capiche?

Then he goes on to say: "The only hope for Rose Capital or any investor left will be to spin Biotraack out as a clean company free of Venegas

A shout out to the clueless: Rose Capital IS Ogur.

Then he says: Vicente Fox is not a board member. He has NEVER been a board member. It is not a subjective thing just a fact

So your position is that Vincente Fox himself is lying when he said, "I'm on the board of Helix"?

Page 56:

Is Vincente Fox the anti-fact? Or just delusional?


06/15/20 10:09 PM

#6082 RE: Never Was #6070

Absence of evidence is not evidence of absence.

Ogur is so proud of his association with HLIX he leaves it off his bio at his day job at Spruce Investments in CT. I would try to hide that shit too

That was a jump to conclusions. That bio is the same as it looked when I looked at when HLIX was just the DNA of an empty shell trying to emerge.

Rose Capital, on the other hand, is very proud to showcase HELIX has part of their portfolio:

Oh, and lookie there. They are also invested in Dixie. Interesting. Dixie is a partner with Khiron. Such a small world!

He seems like a good guy it is a shame he bought into Venegas' BS during the 9 months Venegas lasted at Spruce and is now attached to him

More jumping to conclusions. Also, contradictory to the facts. Venegas and Ogur go back decades prior to that as shown here in just one example:

April 17, 2006

Scimitar targeted Romania after Zachary Venegas, partner, traveled to the region..

Corroborated by Scott's own bio at Spruce, which is an indirect link to his long-standing parterning with Zac:

He brings over ten years of advisory and transaction experience, including: CIO and CFO of Scimitar Ventures, a UAE-based private equity firm