Calm before the storm in my book. They are doing exactly what the SEC would expect, being 100% gagged, in a dark period, which is creating a great buying Opp for me.
Any shares under .030 are an absolute steel.
The Float of this real, operating for 20 year firm that is one of only 5 that made the cut out of over 200+ applicants to the #FDA Hospital EUA ventilator trials is huge.
Even if the US did not buy them, India and Brazil will, and soon maybe even China, as wave 1 is just building steam in Brazil and India.
Hardware tests in this final trial can take time. And the US demand for the Ventilators is not high again, yet.
Wave 2 is just starting here and in China, and Wave three this winter is going to be epic as people fight Covi19 and the Flu at the same time.
I have been following this stock since 2014, and I will buying this dip.