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06/09/20 11:48 AM

#3948 RE: agribusiness72 #3946

Makes sense to me to start working on it after just one day.
That is what they do....find solutions to viruses. They just added one more to their long list of viruses they are working on.
I think its great that they are that on top of what is going on in the world.
Thanks for pointing out that they are tuned in.
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06/09/20 3:02 PM

#3959 RE: agribusiness72 #3946

The DNA was mapped in early January and medical researchers had received the sequencing and could begin working on a vaccine/test. News of he virus hit the message boards in mid-December... SRNE, being a Chinese company would probably be alerted early on to the potential problem. Given the history of SARS in China, most researchers would err on the side caution and begin treating this as a pandemic. The timeline of COVID reporting:

Dec. 10: Wei Guixian, one of the earliest known coronavirus patients, starts feeling ill.

Dec. 16: Patient admitted to Wuhan Central Hospital with infection in both lungs but resistant to anti-flu drugs. Staff later learned he worked at a wildlife market connected to the outbreak.

Dec. 27: Wuhan health officials are told that a new coronavirus is causing the illness.

Dec. 30: Ai Fen, a top director at Wuhan Central Hospital, posts information on WeChat about the new virus. She was reprimanded for doing so and told not to spread information about it. Wuhan doctor Li Wenliang also shares information on WeChat about the new SARS-like virus. He is called in for questioning shortly afterward.
Wuhan health commission notifies hospitals of a “pneumonia of unclear cause” and orders them to report any related information.

Dec. 31: Wuhan health officials confirm 27 cases of illness and close a market they think is related to the virus' spread.
China tells the World Health Organization’s China office about the cases of an unknown illness.

Jan. 1: Wuhan Public Security Bureau brings in for questioning eight doctors who had posted information about the illness on WeChat. An official at the Hubei Provincial Health Commission orders labs, which had already determined that the novel virus was similar to SARS, to stop testing samples and to destroy existing samples.

Jan. 2: Chinese researchers map the new coronavirus' complete genetic information. This information is not made public until Jan. 9.

Jan. 7: Xi Jinping becomes involved in the response.

Jan. 9: China announces it has mapped the coronavirus genome.