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08/28/20 3:25 AM

#4238 RE: Trend22 #4228

I consider this to be easily my biggest trading blunder of my short career, sorta was beginners luck then quickly beginners wipeout for me several years ago, so I don't mind speaking somewhat candidly about it. Though I honestly do sort of like one aspect of our long term chart here, but what size move we should expect to see is really hard to project and sitting with 27,550,000 averaged @.00073648 I can't be 100% confident that if any life where ever to come back at this and Move ensued that would even go that high. I certainly do hope something crazy happens that gets the price moving up well out of trips, but all and all I have considered this stock to be a bag/loss. I'll add that I have very little experience keep track of stocks charts 'trading' at .0001 for such a long period of time and I most definitely don't know anything about this company but the chart.


08/28/20 9:51 AM

#4239 RE: Trend22 #4228

Seems like $BLKG trading is suspended for now.
See SEC case history.

No replies ever from CEO's

Black Stallion Oil & Gas, Inc.
n/k/a Arize Therapeutics, Inc. and

Active Lab International, Inc.
Richard Pucci now Robert Ritondo

Cannabis Science, Inc. (f/k/a CBIS)
Raymond C. Dabney


09/21/20 10:29 AM

#4247 RE: Trend22 #4228

It appears that Ira Morris tapped out?
(you think this one has a chance at a recovery)
i.e., having spent all your money a long time ago ...