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06/04/20 6:05 PM

#2952 RE: wh84 #2951

The first 5 mins from the conference were the best. I can't remember his exact words, but he did not eliminate Galid. from the kickoff summary. He said this is an exciting year for Biocryst and he sounded super optimistic. He then mentioned all the drugs in their pipeline and included Galid. So tell me this..... If Galid was already a disaster down there, would he even mention the possibility and include it in the exciting things to come??

Obviously to me , he would not. So thus my optimism despite their poor handling of communications the past 3 weeks.


06/04/20 6:08 PM

#2953 RE: wh84 #2951

well, even without showmanship you'd expect to be able to get 24 people signed up in Brazil. Don't need showmanship to see you have a game changer- e.g. better version than remdesivir and to have leadership and flexibility as a company to be aggressive.

you are sitting on a goldmine with galid. and when the opportunity comes along, you have to capitalize. I know agri says everyone is racing for the cure, I know that, BCRX already has a cure IMO.

Quite honestly, I don't understand this. There has to be more to this story. No way that they don't understand what an opportunity this is.