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06/04/20 1:44 PM

#37630 RE: A Dinosaur #37628

Lets say I borrowed $100,000 to fund my gold mining and paid it back with penalties and interest that totaled $200,000.

My direct costs (labor, equipment, fuel, chemicals, etc.) cost me another $100K.....and I produced 100 oz. of gold which I sold at $1700/oz. So, is that a profitable operation?

If you isolate the gold mining part - I made money!! $70K profit, right? My cost per ounce was about $1000/oz, better than a lot of major mining companies.

But ignore the loan and the horrific interest rates and interest?

I suppose you could respond by saying that the next 100 ounces will not have that loan hanging over it. If there will be another 100 ounces produced at the same direct costs, and there are no more loans out there - that's great! However, Mexus has not provided any evidence that their mining is sustainable (where's the technical report??), nor have they disclosed how many new loans have been issued since their last 10Q. In addition, they have not disclosed what penalty they paid to delay the two March notes (which converted a month later), or if they have done the same with the two May notes (which may show up soon).

Or how they are going to head off the MOAN (Mother of all Notes) that is convertible in less than 2 weeks??