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06/03/20 8:02 PM

#191136 RE: arachnodude #191134

I would like to see kim forgive the debt and dilute about 6 mil..

Now present your scenario with that being the premise...A new world awaits you!

I also would love kim to forgive the debt. But as we sit here now it's just a dream. Would be a good dream if it came true but it's just a dream, kinda like Kim had a conversation with a shareholder and no RS will come.

Well it certainly looks as though one is coming. It was a nice dream but that is all it was....just a dream.
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06/04/20 1:25 AM

#191153 RE: arachnodude #191134

It’s around $5m that Kim can forgive. It does make me wonder if he will be forgiving some .. unless he is planning to have a $1m licensing deal or some other revenue make the difference.. because there is ($6m) SE but the offering only clears $10m as $1.5m is ‘juice’ for the investment bank.

So, unless I missed something, that would leave the company $1m short of $5m SE.