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Good Sport

06/03/20 4:57 PM

#23197 RE: biotech48 #23196

I've been here from the very beginning and never shorted any CTSO shares! Everyone on this board is entitled to posting. Let me rephrase "We" to "Some of us".


06/03/20 5:04 PM

#23198 RE: biotech48 #23196

I am long and bullish on Cytosorb. Know it works amazingly well first hand.
Liked Capponi on the call, and would agree that management is very good. Also the German sales manager and the Finance manager. So no worries there.

However would I not know the product works already, then Chan does not get the right words out to convince me. Capponi is better at that. I am sure others feel the same.

I do think though, that since the product just works it will convince by just doing so. Its litterally saving lives, no dispute there from anyone using it.
If only one of those Covid studies would be released soon, but luckily we did not get that many severe cases of Covid in Freiburg, so it will take a bit still.


06/03/20 5:14 PM

#23200 RE: biotech48 #23196

the only way he managed to get off the pinks was by way of a 1-25 RS, instead of organically uplisting by sales and profits. I know, we have gone from 4 to 10 this year. BS, we went from 12 to 4 to start there. Chanie is an absolute failure as a leader.