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06/03/20 8:28 AM

#90444 RE: drugmanrx #90443

Again false QMC has held several demonstration of their product as verified by DAML and others.

No. This claim is false and misleading. Where is there any evidence of a demonstration of a commercially viable AC product or even something close to a commercially viable product or a 3rd party stating they have seen one? We've seen nothing except a no-budget mock-up and some screen shots of the back end. Where is the evidence they have anything close to a solution for scanning QD tags? Or a commercially-viable way to create the tags? It's June, and we haven't heard the first word about the client Hartigan teased might be named last year. Between that and the ridiculous claim that significant solar revenue had started, it there any wonder they demoted him?

At least we've stopped pretending that India is going to develop a QD product and sell it in the coming weeks or months to "salvage their investment." That's progress anyway.