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06/02/20 9:00 PM

#16018 RE: TCarlson #16017

Thanks. That looks familiar. If I saw it before, it slipped my mind. It's a good thing, though.

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06/09/20 4:54 PM

#16029 RE: TCarlson #16017

TCarlson that is basically free money, they will have no problem with earmarking that to salaries, which means they do not need to pay it back.

2 friends just told me their business had a record month in May. I think this Covid shut down was way overdone but BWMG got the best on both sides. They did not shut down and they got the free money.

Georgia and Florida are good examples their Governors tried to shut down the least amount possible yet did better than average in terms of low deaths. Maine had few cases but it ruined jobs to the extreme.