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06/01/20 6:13 AM

#37550 RE: A Dinosaur #37549

Good. Thanks for posting.


06/01/20 9:41 AM

#37552 RE: A Dinosaur #37549

102 oz of production sounds great. But only if it materializes as gold sales on the financials. The rest of the PR is future wishes and dreams.

Note the PR says the company produced 102/oz of gold. What is the company's definition of "produced"? To me it is telling/significant they didn't use the term poured. It makes me wonder if this 102/oz is in any kind of dore form, or just an estimation of what's in the leaching pad - or somewhere in between these two stages.

I'm a bit confused on how gold is being recovered. Is it with the Merrill Crowe process (after all, the previous delay was for a new Merrill Crowe that could produce more oz per day)? Or is gold being collected with carbon filters and electrowinning? Maybe it's both, but then not sure why we needed the delay to wait for a larger Merrill Crowe as the electrowinning would do a majority of the processing and the Merrill Crowe would be used to recover the residual amounts. Would appreciate anyone with expertise on these two processes to provide insight.

My final thought - Can we please stop the B.S. about producing future reports? How many times has the company claimed this, only for them to never materialize?

Overall, only more unsubstantiated claims in this PR. Might be enough to keep maintain the current floor for share price, but I don't see this as the catalyst for a move upward.


06/01/20 7:03 PM

#37562 RE: A Dinosaur #37549

Twelve bottle roll tests of material recently placed on the heap pad showed an average of 6.7 g/t to 11.9 g/t Au.

The intent of bottle roll tests is to determine recovery rates and leachability. Why not report those results, instead of saying an average grade that was placed on the pad. And why is the average reported as a range? In every statistics class I ever took, an average is a number, not a range. PT and crew constantly amaze with their bizarre treatment of data.

On May 29th, the company began blast hole drilling on the Julio vein pit #2 with the objective to define geological targets as production continues.

They're "defining geologic targets" using a blast hole rig? Wasn't that the purpose of the exploration drilling last year?

A "mineralized material reserve report"? I'd like to see them try to file that with the SEC. With no feasibility assessment, defining a reserve could be a problem.


06/01/20 7:25 PM

#37563 RE: A Dinosaur #37549

What exactly is "hydraulic" track drilling? Pretty much every drill rig I have ever seen uses hydraulics in some way or another. And how do you sample in a way that is defensible and accurate enough to prepare a reserves report? Just scoop up the cuttings laying around the drill hole and put it in a bag and send it off to the lab? Who needs quality control?

Also, love that picture of a pan of "gold". There is mighty little gold in that pan. Mostly pyrite and quartz, with a few specks of gold.