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05/30/20 10:46 AM

#299364 RE: petemantx #299362

Totally agree with you Petermantx...and its all about Form vs don't fundamentally succeed trying to play the elite/arrogant old guard game...with either the BPs or with Arrogant/elite Political Power brokers in both parties...Control and Power is their game...

...the collective "You" don't succeed by playing into the hands of the pecking order, acknowledging and acceding to their control and rules ... you have to break out of the mold, by being unrelenting and brash in pursuing your direction ... otherwise you play both their games and are buried beneath there dominance and control...

...more successes in testing and even better news of Brilacidin's efficacy against Covid-19 will continue to surface...outside of the BP and Bureaucrats control...

...whereupon we will be witness a huge tipping point of news dissemination...leading to human testing and production...and IMO...offers.
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05/30/20 10:56 AM

#299365 RE: petemantx #299362

Excellent post Pete! I’m not sure what some posters are thinking on how they come across. Leo has no control over when the human lung tissue results will be reported. He doesn’t control the number, types, and confirmation trials that are required and reviews with sign offs. I do know that within 1 business day , significant / material information must be reported per disclosure requirements. I think Leo is a very busy man right now. My prestigious family Drs real Drs are following IPIX and are impressed with B results so far. Actually they think what B has accomplished so far would have been considered implausible given the track record of treatments for viruses.
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05/30/20 11:23 AM

#299372 RE: petemantx #299362

Petemantx, 5 Billion would be so freaking awesome. I hope you are even %50 right. I think Leo can take this home for us.

Go Leo & IPIX!

"IMO Leo is trying to do to the BP cabal in medicine exactly what Trump has been trying to do with many other USA relationships around the world - Nato/EU, China, Russia, Congress, etc.

That is they are trying to reform what has become the "norm" into what should be the "new look" of the modern age. The old system is broken, completely screwed up favoring a few and placing the great many under the stewardship of a few with big money and the ability to pay off those in power. I applaud both as they knew going in that they would be reviled as big money players don't want to be crossed.

I will only stick w/ Leo and his aims for IPIX. The old system was acceptable when start up bios came up with ideas for new drugs and BP took promising drugs over practically from the start to develop, refine, and squire them thru clinical trials. The bio just planted the idea and a "rough draft" of the drug but BP "produced" the drug just as a producer guides a movie idea to a finished product. For that, BP deserved the majority of the profits as they took the major risk in funding thru trials, they refined the product thru major investment in having a large cadre of medical professionals to improve the rough "drug", they ran the clinical trials, and finally oversaw distribution of the product. As such, 5-10% royalties seemed about right for the startup bio.

But now, with AI, super computers, and startups taking the "rough draft" drug much further thru the formulation, clinical trials, and in the case of Brilacidin into production agreements and delivery system finalization, the start up bio has done EVERYTHING to the point all the BP has to offer is distribution. In the specific case of B, IPIX does not even need BP for the later clinical trials assistance as they should attain the funding from the government for CV to bring them to a state where they can proceed to other areas of B for commercialism as well.

All BP is providing now is distribution.

Most have dropped their own developmental departments as they now are content with buying only those drugs that have overcome the major risk hurdles of early trials, thus eliminating the VAST majority of their monies previously wasted on failed drugs.

BP is no longer only getting a "rough draft" drug but in Brilacidin's case a drug developed thru what I call AI, artificial intelligence, as they used many thousands of hours on a super computer to analyze what formulation would maximize benefits and minimize unwanted side effects. I don't think anybody would challenge me on this point as B has worked exactly as predicted to date so far.

IPIX has pioneered B delivery systems (all different!) for ABSSSI, OM, and IBD.

IPIX has run it's own clinical trials for EVERY indication to date.

Finally, the government labs have proven to date that Brilacidin will most likely be able to kill CV19 and stop the deadly side effects due to lung inflammation (plus kidney and bowel problems) and become the go to treatment that will do what most of the world is hoping a vaccine (not expected for another 12-18 months) will do. Not a done deal yet but looking awfully positive IMO.

Yet as I read the board there are many that believe we are still living in the 1950s or so and IPIX should still be paid only 5-10% royalty fees, meager milestone fees, and for that we should kiss some BPs ass for allowing us to have the benefit of applying their name to Brilacidin.

I think B should receive as a platform drug in its entirety TODAY at least a $5 Billion initial payment and a royalty fee of NLT 20%, and that 20% should escalate as revenues reach certain yearly targets. Something to the effect that when Brilacidin sales reach 5B/yr we get 22%, 7B/yr 24%, etc. I base these values on B being the LEADING product for IBD, OM, ABSSSI, COPD, Asthma, kidney problems, dermatology, and on and on. Again, not a done deal yet but well on the way to being proven extremely strong candidate across all fields.

Many will think me crazy for thinking this but look at the numbers that the BP will be making in profit for doing next to NOTHING. I applaud Leo for thinking like an owner offering a BP a chance to share in our gold mine, not crawling to them on bended knee asking that they throw some scraps our way.

This change in thinking must start with biotech mgt (it already has w/ IPIX and Leo IMO), advance to stockholders who allow Leo to hold out until our price is met, and then spread thru medicine as a whole."
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05/30/20 11:26 AM

#299373 RE: petemantx #299362

Right on, Pete! Our day will come soon, and everything will revealed. Prepare to ride the wave!
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05/30/20 1:18 PM

#299382 RE: petemantx #299362

Pete I agree. Now let's wait for the next jackass to ask about a reverse split. Mark this post, it's coming.

GO IPIX - stay the course