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05/30/20 1:06 PM

#16091 RE: LaurieM #16090

I’ve been following Neurotrope when it was trading on OTC, the same year it transitioned onto the Nasdaq. And what brought me there was an article my wife read about Alzheimer’s & Bryostatin-1 (she’s a healthcare professional). Hence my interest began.
One article I came across referenced blockbuster drugs...
Sam Isaly of OrbiMed, spoke at the Bio CEO & Investor Conference — he apparently made a comment that when an Alzheimer’s drug gets approved that actually does something to treat the disease, and not the symptoms, it will be the largest revenue generating drug in the history of pharmaceutical drugs.
2017, Adam Feurestein (AF) rears his ugly head, after Neurotrope releases the results of their 2b Study designed to test 2 different dosing limits of Bryostatin-1 for tolerability & safety against placebo—

Long story short, AF with his agenda to tarnish Neurotrope’s credibility, unleashed a smear campaign, which was immediately followed by negative press (none of the authors medical experts, or professionals in the medical field), just a barrage of online manipulation mis-interpreting the clinical data — removing the Alzheimer’s focus away from Neurotrope and redirect the shining light onto Biogen (the company AF had a stake in)

Meantime, in the Alzheimer’s Race towards the largest Blockbuster frontier, Eli Lilly & Roche announced failure, then Biogen too (and that day made me happy as I reflected on AF)

Now here we are in 2020, and recently Cassava Science reports failure

So where are?
IMHO, Neurotrope has been the most successful biotech, slowy advancing forward with clinical success, presenting meaningful data, with a team of scientific experts, navigating through the Landscape & Art of Clinical Trial Design, ready to take Bryostatin-1 across the goal line within the next 9-12 months

At this price point, why wouldn’t you invest if you are a biotech investor at heart. Not only could the financial reward be life changing, but one day in the future as we age, you may find yourself needing this drug to manage your Alzheimer’s