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05/29/20 4:13 PM

#57821 RE: tagmonster #57820

My confidencelevel is always high but not per se grounded in realism. Hope we hear from Evotec and others on their experiences and level of value of linearDNA... Perhaps a textile partner chooses to make and market high end proven homegrown facemasks?
A CovidTestdeal would be wonderful, but somehow Im not sure of Adnas willingness to emphasize selling those themselves.

I hope for "bigger picture" commercial deals.


05/30/20 4:26 PM

#57822 RE: tagmonster #57820

Doubtful there are any contracts in place otherwise we would have heard about it. From other CV kit stocks I own, you don't get approval for your kit and then there's a line of people at the door waiting to buy. That's not how it works.

That kind of thinking is prolly why the stock is selling off like it has. People who want instant gratification are bagholders. People who have patience are not.