Thanks Rob. This information is vital to us all, as was your Caesare74 EU intel. We are now 100%, give or take 80% to 90%, that you are in fact located in Florida and not Toronto Canada.
Did Cesare pass? If so, why didn't he get the send-off your Bertha character received?
This is a great product! Wonder why the FDA won't stamp it? It's a shame when the medical people put hard science in front of real world data! I still wonder why Fresenius gave up so easily on CTSO in Europe? It's mind boggling to say the least! Thank goodness we have such a stout and knowledgeable group of internet scientists that really know what is up! Did Cesare74 die too? Who remembers his famous lunches with the FMC person and the talk of the relationship with them launching like a bottle rocket? I'm confused now, I want more and am saving for a second tranche of 100 shares! Please keep up the pressure and maybe we'll never need a complete and successful RCT to get the sorb where it belongs! I think the US treatment numbers are lagging because we don't have easy access to the dialysis equipment. There is a huge shortage given the AKI issues with the severe CV19 survivors. Look to portable dialysis equipment as a solution. We should create our own blood pump to boost sorb uptake FWIW!! I think 400 might be more doable for now, 4,000 seems a stretch but only given the hardware delivery shortage! I'm feeling more optimistic with every passing lift towards those $15 previous highs! We should be at over a bill now!! Looking forward to hearing all about what Mexico adds to our bottom line!