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05/27/20 6:31 AM

#1555 RE: keekee #1554

They're Definitely pumping this Chinese Shell right back to the max. No doubt about it,. that's how it always works..

As far as the Little Girl yesterday that tries to tell us we don't know what we're talking about..

If they'd read some REAL NEWS , they'd know who has been arrested..

PROVE TO US that they've opened ANOTHER 1000 PLUS locations since this started..

3 months ago they CLAIMED to have 5000++ locations, that article from the SHANGHAI PRESS that I posted yesterday has DEVALUED their company from a whopping 1 billion plus to 350 million and states more like 4000 LOCATIONS and if they read some of the REAL INVESTEMENT HOUES INSIDER INFORMATION , they'd know that a large poriton of those are street vendor type outlets..

As far as the ARREST GOES, Everyone from the CEO to top ranking board members and book keepers involved in this scam that padded the books for AT LEAST 300 million dollars ( sounds like way more when you do the math) would know this is a SCAM OPERATION .. A VERY LARGE, HUGE CHINESE GOVERNMENT ENDORSED SCAM OPERATION .
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05/27/20 6:39 AM

#1556 RE: keekee #1554

AND YES, there will be SOME who make money from this sham / scam / shell operation / fraud scheme, but it won't even COMPARE to the real number of American investors who lost their asses off in this scam when this thing took a left turn into Communist China..

Right now, the U.S. Government in the House and Senate are voting to block ANY CHINESE COMPANY from being allowed to be publicly traded in the USA on the US stock exchanges and THIS SCAM COMPANY RIGHT HERE is the very basis of that legisation

Most of these Chinese Scam / Sham / Penny stock blow up fake companies are nothing but scam operations, here today , gone in a couple of months because they were nothing to begin with but padded books.. Investors pouring their money in.. Some fortunate enough to get out before the pump and dumpers have their way with them, but the majority won't make any money here.. As a matter of fact, many have already lost a small fortune..

That said, I will again say that this HUGE PUMP AND DUMP will no doubt run up and down again and again on the pole, but this SHELL won't be around much longer.. This country is tainted with fraud, bad publicity and corruption .. Nobody that is looking for a long term investment for their retirement portfolio is going to trust this company. Some may use it while they can to get in and get out for day runners, but the majority, those with any brains, are going to get OUT when they think it's any where close to the top before it crashes back to SUB PENNY LAND.

Plain and simple.. It's a pump and dump. That's already been proven.. A shell.. Padded books, corrupt leadership , fraud and scams...
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05/27/20 7:01 AM

#1559 RE: keekee #1554

Yep...Gap up again! Cheers! What a good start!