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05/26/20 2:11 PM

#90177 RE: drugmanrx #90176

No, I'll be very happy if there is a "big announcement in July," but I don't believe for one second that there will be.


05/26/20 2:20 PM

#90178 RE: drugmanrx #90176

You are going to be sorry.

Everyone who has actually bought this stock is already sorry. Very sorry.

Quote:If there was anything worth knowing, I'm sure it would already have been hyped here and at the other place over an over.

Big announcement coming in July.

And you know this how? Marketing consultants have pulled this bullshit type story like they have inside information for how long? They haven't even been able to run a beta test yet and you try to bullshit us that something magical will happen in July. These stories of grandeur that never happen are what is disgusting. All these stories are and have ever been are: